Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Most Tired Joke Ever

You all know what I'm talking about. Please, please tell this joke again to me for the thousandth time so that I can pray to Cthulhu for you to get balls cancer.

Stuck Up Malay Expat - Am unable to relate because have not been to Malaysia in 2 weeks.

Retarded Indian Nazi - I tell you funny joke. One day Samyvellu helikopter going to fall and only got 2 parachute.. (Rajjiv - oh for fuck's sake...)

Faggy Christian Youth Chinese Guy - You know what's a joke? Rajjiv missing our annual Christian Youth Rally. Hello??? Where were you??


  1. And yet, there are still many people who've never heard of this joke.

  2. Fucking brilliant! couldn't have said it better!


spit, spitting, spat